November 1958
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- David Galler
- Wallace Fowlie
- Turner Cassity
- Robert Brotherson
- Edwin Burrows
Table of Contents
Rosalie Moore
Emily Pausch
Robert Brotherson
Marie Wells
Betty Turnoy
Marie A. Graybeal
Waltrina Furlong
Jeanne McGahey
Five Poems
David Ignatow
Francis C. Golffing
Edwin Gladding Burrows
Marcia Lee Masters
Philip Levine
Tim Reynolds
Desmond Stewart
Lawrence Hart
Rosalie Moore
Hayden Carruth
Thomas Parkinson
Thomas Cole
- Rosalie Moore
- Emily Pausch
- Robert Brotherson
- Marie Wells
- Betty Turnoy
- Marie A. Graybeal
- Waltrina Furlong
- Jeanne McGahey
- David Ignatow
- Francis C. Golffing
- Edwin Gladding Burrows
- Marcia Lee Masters
- Philip Levine
- Tim Reynolds
- Desmond Stewart
- Lawrence Hart
- Hayden Carruth
- Thomas Parkinson
- Thomas Cole