November 1970
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- James Atlas
- Margaret Atwood
- Stephen Berg
- Ramon Guthrie
- Daniel Hoffman
Table of Contents
The Vegetables
James McMichael
Stephen Berg
Daniel G. Hoffman
Laurence Lieberman
Ramon Guthrie
John Koethe
Charles Tomlinson
James Atlas
Margaret Atwood
Robert B. Shaw
- Both Sides of the Water
- Sandgrains on a Tray, by Alan Brownjohn
- The Night of Stones, by George Macbeth
- Requiem and Celebration, by John Ormond
- Door into the Dark, by Seamus Heaney
- Findings, by Wendell Berry
- A Bed by the Sea, by Arthur Gregor
- A Lesson from the Cyclops, by Raphael Rudnik
- Collected and New Poems: 1924-1963, by Mark Van Doren
Dick Allen
Aram Saroyan
- James McMichael
- Stephen Berg
- Daniel G. Hoffman
- Laurence Lieberman
- Ramon Guthrie
- John Koethe
- Charles Tomlinson
- James Atlas