November 2003
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- A. Moritz
- Billy Collins
- Christopher Middleton
- Debora Greger
- J. Barbarese
From this Issue
poemBy Kay RyanLittle has been madeof the soft, skirting actionof magnets reversed,while much has beenmade of attraction.But is it not this pillowyprinciple of repulsionthat produces thedoily...
poemBy A. F. MoritzNever anymore in a wash of sweetness and awedoes the summer when I was seventeen come backto mind against my will, like a bird crossingmy vision. Summer of moist nights full of girls...
poemBy Ron De MarisPut an ear to the light at fallof dark and you will hearnothing. This pale luminescencethat drifts in upon themmakes a blue bole of their caves,a scare of their scythingtails. They tellin the bubbling dark of imagesthat come in upon...
Table of Contents
A. F. Moritz
Peter Spagnuolo
Traci Elder O'Dea
Christopher Middleton
Debora Greger
Rick Barot
Ron De Maris
Billy Collins
J. T. Barbarese
Jeanne Murray Walker
Christian Wiman
Peter Campion
Anthony Hecht
Sam Hamill
W. S. Di Piero