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November 2016

Jessie Mott, "Pegasus," 2016

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Brendan Galvin
  • Natalie Shapero
  • Lawrence Joseph
  • Stephen Burt
  • Anna Hong
Poetry Magazine cover for November 2016 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine An Egg Island Equinox

      By Brendan Galvin
      There is no radical shift of light
      or redwings calling areas of marsh
      their territories yet, nor plovers
      probing for copepods. Only a yellow
      front-end loader laying out a new berm
      on the beach, from tubes too heavy
      to be called hoses, its audience one man

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine An Example

      By Natalie Shapero
      Where can the dead hope
      to stash some part
      of themselves, if not in the living?

      And so when I had a daughter,
      I gave her your name.

      She does not use it.

      She goes by a silly, other
      thing she was called once in fun,
      and then...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine On Peripheries of the Imperium

      By Lawrence Joseph

      Eye of the hurricane the Battery, the Hudson
      breached, millions of gallons of it
      north on West Street filling Brooklyn–Battery
      Tunnel, overflowing into the World Trade Center site,
      East River, six-to-eight-foot wall of water on South,
      Front, Water, John, Fulton, Pearl,
      Brooklyn Bridge’s woven cables lifted...

Table of Contents
