October 1924
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Margery Mansfield
- Harriet Monroe
- Henry Bellamann
- Morris Bishop
- Maxwell Bodenheim
Table of Contents
Leonora Speyer
Three Poems
Aline Kilmer
Two Hawaiian Poems
Clifford Franklin Gessler
Marie Tudor Garland
First Poems
Polly Chase
Two Poems
Morris Bishop
Allison Nienaber
Two Poems
Maxwell Bodenheim
Henry H. Bellamann
Brancusi and Others
Harriet Monroe
Margery Swett Mansfield
Harriet Monroe
Margery Swett Mansfield
Raymond Knister
Herbert S. Gorman
- Leonora Speyer
- Aline Kilmer
- Clifford Franklin Gessler
- Marie Tudor Garland
- Polly Chase
- Morris Bishop
- Allison Nienaber
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Henry H. Bellamann
- Ernest Walsh
- Harriet Monroe
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- Raymond Knister
- Herbert S. Gorman