October 1941
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Frajam Taylor
- John Ciardi
- Carl Grabo
- Geoffrey Grigson
- Weldon Kees
Table of Contents
The Child in the Great Wood
From "Dunkirk'
E. J. Pratt
Three Poems
Carl H. Grabo
Two Poems
John Ciardi
Four Poems
Elizabeth Sait
Three Poems
Geoffrey Grigson
Two Poems
Carleton Ford Shaw
Poems from France
D. S. Savage
E. S. Forgotson
Harvey Breit
Lloyd Frankenberg
- Muriel Rukeyser
- E. J. Pratt
- Weldon Kees
- Carl H. Grabo
- John Ciardi
- E. L. Mayo
- Elizabeth Sait
- Geoffrey Grigson
- Carleton Ford Shaw
- Jean Rivier
- D. S. Savage
- E. S. Forgotson
- Harvey Breit
- Lloyd Frankenberg