October 1984
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John Allman
- David Bottoms
- John Brehm
- Michael Collier
- B. Fairchild
Table of Contents
Linda Pastan
Mary Ann Waters
Michael Collier
Sarah Provost
John Allman
Tom Johnson
David Wojahn
Debora Greger
B. H. Fairchild
John Brehm
Henry Taylor
Short Reviews
Linda Gregerson
- Short Reviews
- The Dead and the Living, by Sharon Olds
- American Primitive, by Mary Oliver
- Bonfire, by Celia Gilbert
- Portraits and Elegies, by Gjertrud Schnackenberg
- The Hands in Exile, by Susan Tichy
- Natural Affinities, by Erica Funkhouser
- The Going Under of the Evening Land, by Mekeel McBride
- The Yellow House on the Corner and Museum, by Rita Dove
- Linda Pastan
- Mary Ann Waters
- Michael Collier
- Sarah Provost
- John Allman
- Tom Johnson
- David Bottoms
- David Wojahn
- Debora Greger
- B. H. Fairchild