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October 2000

Valérie Catherine Richez, Untitled, 2000.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Julien Gracq
  • Michel De Smet
  • Louis-René Des Forét
  • Pierre Martory
  • Yves Bonnefoy
POETRY Magazine cover of October-November 2000 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Break of Day (tr. by Geoffrey Brock)

      By Michel De Smet

    • poem
      By Pierre Martory
      You should have heard the soldiers’ feet
      wounding the swirls that the accordion waltz
      left on the pavement like a mower’s swath
      once the parade had passed
      you should have kissed the soldiers’ feet
      pulled out of their boots and licked the ankles
      and climbed as...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine [Les plantes et les planètes]

      By Robert Marteau
      Les plantes et les planètes
      Au même ciel obáissent ;
      Du même soleil les bêtes
      Et les hommes se nourrissent ;

      Et le mátal dans la mine
      Couve l'astre minuscule,
      Soufre dont la fleur si fine
      Vit en chaque corpuscule.

      Naines ou gáantes sont
      Poudre et bran jetás loin

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