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October 2011

Tatsuro Kiuchi, "Matchstick," 2009

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Michael Hofmann
  • Abigail Deutsch
  • Lili Taylor
  • Leopold Froehlich
  • Xeni Jardin
Image of poetry magazine cover October 2011
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Road to Emmaus

      By Spencer Reece
      The chair from Goodwill smelled of mildew.
      I sat with Sister Ann, a Franciscan.
      In her small office, at the Cenacle Retreat House,
      right off Dixie Highway in Lantana, Florida,
      I began my story—
      it was an interview, much of life is...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Poem (External Scene)

      By Dan Beachy-Quick
      The field blank in snow. But I mean this page.
      Now print mars the surface to make surface
      Seen. Sheen only error brings. Perfect rage
      So the sun rises. Rage is your slow practice
      That makes of every day another day
      In whose gathering promise...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Blast

      By Kay Ryan
      The holes have
      almost left the
      sky and the blanks
      the paths—the
      patches next to
      natural, corroborated
      by the incidental
      sounds of practical
      activities and crows,
      themselves exhibiting
      many of the earmarks
      of the actual. This
      must have happened
      many times before,
      we must suppose.
      Almost a pulse
      if we could speed
      it up: the repeated

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