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October/November 1987

Edward Koren.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Paul Engle
  • Maria Flook
  • Wallace Fowlie
  • Dana Gioia
  • Thom Gunn
Cover for Poetry Magazine, October-November 1987
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Prayer for My Father

      By Robert Bly
      Your head is still
      restless, rolling
      east and west.
      That body in you
      insisting on living
      is the old hawk
      for whom the world
      If I am not
      with you when you die,
      that is just.

      It is all right.
      That part of you cleaned
      my bones more
      than once. But I
      will meet...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Bearer

      By Hayden Carruth
      Like all his people he felt at home in the forest.
      The silence beneath great trees, the dimness there,
      The distant high rustling of foliage, the clumps
      Of fern like little green fountains, patches of sunlight,
      Patches of moss and lichen, the occasional
      Undergrowth of...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Life of Sundays

      By Rodney Jones
      Down the street, someone must be praying, and though I don’t
      Go there anymore, I want to at times, to hear the diction
      And the tone, though the English pronoun for God is obsolete—

      What goes on is devotion, which wouldn’t change if...

Table of Contents
