September 1925
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edgar Masters
- Harriet Monroe
- Conrad Aiken
- Camilla Doyle
- Paul Eldridge
Table of Contents
Lew R. Sarett
Two Poems
Camilla Doyle
C. Frandegaris
Two Poems
Louis Golding
Two Poems
Ethel Arnold Tilden
Violet Alleyn Storey
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Paul Eldridge
Stones in the Road
Marie Emilie Gilchrist
Josef Washington Hall
Leon Herald
Conrad Aiken
Harriet Monroe
Ezra Pound
George H. Dillon
Edgar Lee Masters
- Lew R. Sarett
- Camilla Doyle
- C. Frandegaris
- Louis Golding
- Ethel Arnold Tilden
- Violet Alleyn Storey
- Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
- Paul Eldridge
- Marie Emilie Gilchrist
- Josef Washington Hall
- Leon Herald
- Conrad Aiken