September 1945
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Marie Borroff
- J. Brotherton
- Brenda Chamberlain
- Louis Coxe
- Carleton Drewry
Table of Contents
Six Poems
Brenda Chamberlain
Four Poems
Israel Newman
Carleton Drewry
Three Poems
Marie Borroff
Kay De Bard Hall
Ashley Sampson
Two Poems
Louis O. Coxe
J. L. Brotherton
William D. Perkins
Edith Lovejoy Pierce
A. M. Klein
Three Tunes on a Ground Bass, and Coda
Will Gibson
Cleanth Brooks
Winfield Townley Scott
John Frederick Nims
Francis C. Golffing
Bernard Raymund
John Gould Fletcher
Milton A. Kaplan
Lloyd Mallan
- Nicholas Moore
- Brenda Chamberlain
- Israel Newman
- Carleton Drewry
- Marie Borroff
- Kay De Bard Hall
- Ashley Sampson
- Louis O. Coxe
- J. L. Brotherton
- William D. Perkins
- Edith Lovejoy Pierce
- A. M. Klein
- Will Gibson
- Cleanth Brooks
- Winfield Townley Scott
- John Frederick Nims
- Francis C. Golffing
- Bernard Raymund
- John Gould Fletcher
- Milton A. Kaplan
- Lloyd Mallan