September 2000
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Matthew Brenneman
- Suzanne Buffam
- Turner Cassity
- Tom Disch
- Stephen Dunn
From this Issue
poemBy Philip LevineSome days I catch a rhythm, almost a songin my own breath. I'm alone herein Brooklyn Heights, late morning, the skyabove the St. George Hotel clear, clearfor New York, that is. The...
poemBy Matthew BrennemanFor all the far-flung continents he'd crossed,Revealing lands they found beyond belief;For all the roads that lay behind him, lostIn caverns of some atavistic griefHe'd carried with him since he was a boy;For all...
poemBy Michael SteffenCabbages, beans and bell peppers viefor the glossy centerfold of Nature's Handwhere this month the vulgar Hubbard squashreclines with succotash of questionable origin.I've grown to prize passivity; I've learned the word"vegetable" comes from...
Table of Contents
Philip Levine
Suzanne Buffam
Turner Cassity
David Ricks
Sandra M. Gilbert
Brent Pallas
Lisa Rosenberg
Matthew Brenneman
Roberta Spear
Judith Strasser
Gerard Malanga
Patrick Martin
Stephen Dunn
Charlie Smith
Leslie Ullman
Michael Steffen
James Kimbrell
Tom Disch
Robert B. Shaw
- Philip Levine
- Suzanne Buffam
- Turner Cassity
- David Ricks
- Sandra M. Gilbert
- Brent Pallas
- Lisa Rosenberg
- Matthew Brenneman
- Roberta Spear
- Judith Strasser
- Gerard Malanga
- Patrick Martin
- Stephen Dunn
- Charlie Smith