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September 2006

Stas Orlovski, "Head with Birds," 2003

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Anne Stevenson
  • D. Powell
  • Michael Heffernan
  • Paisley Rekdal
  • Natalie Shapero
POETRY Magazine cover of September 2006 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Enigma

      By Anne Stevenson
      Falling to sleep last night in a deep crevasse
      between one rough dream and another, I seemed,
      still awake, to be stranded on a stony path,
      and there the familiar enigma presented itself
      in the shape of a little trembling lamb.
      It was lying like...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Corydon & Alexis

      By D. A. Powell
      shepherdboy?   not the most salient image for contemporary readers
      nor most available.   unless you’re thinking brokeback mountain:
      a reference already escaping.   I did love a montana man, though no
            good shepherd

      rather: a caveman, came spelunking into that grotto I’d retreated to...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Post-Romantic

      By Paisley Rekdal
      Yesterday, everything was possible. Today we’re good
      as married. You don’t want to hear that,
      do you, thinking I’m going to call you back
      in from the rain to fight over the morning paper,
      limning my deft and emotional promiscuities?
      That we’ll sit in our...

Table of Contents
