- W. Di Piero
- Nate Klug
- Atsuro Riley
- Katharine Coles
- George Kalogeris
From this Issue
poemBy W. S. Di PieroWhere are you now,my poems,my sleepwalkers?No mumbles tonight?Where are you, thirst,fever, humming tedium?The sodium streetlightsburr outside my window,steadfast, unreachable,little astonishmentslighting the way uphill.Where are you now,when I need you most?It’s late. I’m old....
poemBy Nate KlugWhere i-95 meets the Pike,a ponderous thunderhead flowered;stewed a minute, then flippedlike a flash card, tatterededges crinkling in, linings so darkwith excessive brightthat, standing, waiting, at the overpass edge,the onlooker couldn’t decideuntil the end, or even then,what...
poemBy Atsuro RileyWe come gnawed by need on hands and knees.As a creature (nosing) grubble-seeks a spring.As bendy-spined as bandy snakes through saltshrub yaupon needle-brake.For darkling green;for thorn-surround.This absorbingquaggycrample-ground.Of briar-canes (intervolved with kudzu-mesh) and mold.Of these convoluted vines we grasp to suck.To...
Table of Contents
Nate Klug
Atsuro Riley
George Kalogeris
Katharine Coles
Maureen N. McLane
Meghan O'Rourke
Eliza Griswold
Poetry Not Written For Children That Children Might Nevertheless Enjoy
Lemony Snicket
Maram Al-Massri
Carl Sandburg
Ava Leavell Haymon
Katerina Rudcenkova
Ron Padgett
Liz Waldner
Stuart Mills
Carrie Fountain
Henry Parland
Richard Brautigan
Sherman Alexie
Zachary Schomburg
Franz Wright
Dorothea Lasky
Lorine Niedecker
Campbell McGrath
Graham Foust
John Ashbery
Eileen Myles
Kay Ryan
Michael Hofmann
Frederick Seidel
Fanny Howe
Clive James
Letters to the Editor
Christopher Dickey
Elaine Edelman
David R. Boyce
- Campbell McGrath
- Graham Foust
- John Ashbery
- Eileen Myles
- Kay Ryan
- Michael Hofmann
- Frederick Seidel
- Fanny Howe
- Clive James
- Christopher Dickey
- Elaine Edelman
- David R. Boyce