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September 2014

Sonnenzimmer, “Cromwell Dixon’s Elements of Flight,” 2010

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • John Ashbery
  • Henri Cole
  • Catherine Field
  • Rowan Phillips
  • Sylvia Legris
Image of poetry magazine cover September 2014
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Bunch of Stuff

      By John Ashbery
      To all events I squirted you
      knowing this not to be this came to pass
      when we were out and it looked good.
      Why wouldn’t you want a fresh piece
      of outlook to stand in down the years?
      See, your house, a former human energy...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Dandelions (II)

      By Henri Cole
      He drew
      these dandelions
      during one
      of the days
      when the only

      was derived
      from the labor
      of getting
      the white stems

      and blurry seed heads
      just right. “Nobody there,”
      the new disease
      with black-tie gloom,

      “nobody there,”
      after he’d succumbed.
      sleeping soundly
      is almost

      Please take
      care of me,
      he asked,

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Mythic Beaver

      By Catherine Field
      Yes, I’ll haul your ashes
      back to Oklahoma,
      the Lord G-d of Abraham
      riding shotgun.
      I got the coffee sweats already,
      just Him and me on I-55,
      you in a box on the seat between.

      We aim for that dent in the dust
      where your pa was born

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