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Harriet: News & Community

A literary blog about poetry and related news

Showing 1 to 10 of 79 Blog Posts
  • Featured Blogger
    By Timothy Yu December 15, 2022

    Part of the appeal of poetry as criticism, which I discussed in my last post, is the idea of a poem that can explain itself, with no intervention needed from...

    A square of woven lines of film and thread, black, blue, grey, reds and pinks, in geometric patterns.
  • Featured Blogger
    By Timothy Yu November 14, 2022

    For any writer, the life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge brings moments of painful recognition at every turn. Richard Holmes’s magisterial biography of Coleridge is replete with examples of the Romantic...

    screen print with two blurred wide columns in greens and blues against a green background
  • Archive Editor's Note
    By Robert Eric Shoemaker October 12, 2022

    The Waste Land’s afterlife was a self-fulfilling prophecy strategically crafted by Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, two writers who sought to meaningfully connect with what they thought of as the...

  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff September 14, 2020

    For the Paris Review, Eula Biss writes about the relationships between value, capitalism, and artistry, drawing on the words of poets like June Jordan and T.S. Eliot for guidance.

  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff September 14, 2020

    At the New York Times, Sarah Bahr shares news that the struggling Brontë Parsonage Museum has received a £20,00 gift from the T.S. Eliot Estate, to help it stay afloat during the coronavirus...

  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff May 4, 2020

    Beginning with the 1917 publication of Prufrock and Other Observations, Vijay Seshadri observes the ways that T. S. Eliot has remained prominent in our literary zeitgeist.

    T S Eliot
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff January 15, 2020

    Cooley's 1998 novel, The Archivist, centered on Hale and Eliot's then-mysterious correspondence.

    T S Eliot
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff January 13, 2020

    PBS NewsHour guides readers through the process undertaken by the Houghton Library and the Princeton University Library to unseal letters written by T.S. Eliot to his "muse," Emily Hale.

    T S Eliot
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff January 6, 2020

    At The Guardian, Alex Clark contributes an article on the release of T.S. Eliot's letters to his "muse," Emily Hale.

    T S Eliot
  • Poetry News
    By Harriet Staff January 2, 2020

    Approximately 1,000 letters from T.S. Eliot to long-time friend and confident Emily Hale will be unveiled this week.

    T S Eliot