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Begin in delight, end in wisdom.

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    • Poem of the Day
      By Elizabeth Willis
      in the wind / an inky air

      in the air / finchness

      in the ink / a stone

      in the winter / winter

      in the nest / in the piney

      in the tree / filigree

      in the great / bye and bye

      in the worm / William...

    • Audio
      From Audio Poem of the Day January 2023

      By Edward Field

    • poem
      By Vandana Khanna

      Two Gods: the one in the closet
      and the one from school days
      and both are not mine. I opened

Featured This Month

Poem Guides

Schools and Movements

From the Poetry Magazine Archive

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Gwendolyn Brooks: America in the Wintertime

      By Haki R. Madhubuti
      in this moment of orangutans, wolves, and scavengers,
      of high heat redesigning the north & south poles
      and the wanderings of new tribes in limousines,
      with the confirmations of liars, thieves, and get-over artists,
      in the wilderness of pennsylvania avenue,
      standing rock, misspelled executive orders

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Garden

      By H.D.

      You are clear
      O rose, cut in rock,
      hard as the descent of hail.

      I could scrape the colour   
      from the petals
      like spilt dye from a rock.

      If I could break you   
      I could break a tree....

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Vulnerability Study

      By Solmaz Sharif
      your face turning from mine
      to keep from cumming

      8 strawberries in a wet blue bowl

      baba holding his pants
      up at the checkpoint

      a newlywed securing her updo
      with grenade pins

      a wall cleared of nails
      for the ghosts to walk through

About the Archive